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Apply Position: Sticky To Child Of A Div

Position: sticky doesn't seem to work for me when I apply it to a child of a div. How to solve? HTML: Lorem Ipsum

Solution 1:

Your sticky element is working as intended, you can't see it because your container div is as short as the sticky element itself, so as soon as it sticks, the parent container is already scrolled out of view.

If you add the br tags inside of the parent div then you can see it stick. Once you scroll past the parent then it will scroll with the parent and will not be visible anymore as you can see from your original fiddle. Example on this page

If you are trying to dock this for the entire page then you just need to place the sticky element under a higher level div, for example a div that contains all page content. Just remember when it sticks it only sticks within the parent container



This example here I moved the sticky element out so it sticks to the overall viewport

Solution 2:

Put everything inside your this-parent-div-is-necessary container.

.div-sticky-class {
  color: red;
  position: sticky;
  position: -webkit-sticky;
  top: 0;
  Lorem Ipsum
  Lorem Ipsum

Solution 3:

Well it is actually working .But the div with class div-sticky-class is inside another div (with class this-parent-div-is-necessary ) that moves. Well if you want it to work you can give the outer div the same class e.g

Lorem Ipsum
<divclass="this-parent-div-is-necessary div-sticky-class"><divclass="div-sticky-class">
Lorem Ipsum

Solution 4:

Sticky position only works inside the parent div, your html should be like this:

<div class="this-parent-div-is-necessary">
   </div><div>Lorem ...</div><div>Lorem ...</div><div>Lorem ...</div><div>Lorem ...</div><div><p>It will works here too</p></div>
Won't work here because it's outside the parent of div-sticky-class

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