How To Select All Ends In A Specified Word In A D3.tree Code?
After receiving an answer in my last question, I could modify a d3.tree code in a desired way. Kindly, imagine I have the following flare.csv file A A.A A.A.B A.A.C A.B A.B.C A.C
Solution 1:
If you want to colour red the nodes that end with data
, just split the string:
var array =".");
And check for the last element. In the case of your hypothetical CSV:
return !d.parent ? "blue" : array[array.length-1] === "B" ? "red" : "black";
This will colour red any ID ending in B
And in the case of the real bl.ocks (regarding your pre-edit question):
.style("fill", function(d){
var array =".");
return !d.parent ? "blue" : array[array.length-1] === "data" ? "red" : "black";
Here is the updated bl.ocks:
Solution 2:
Not the best answer, but alternatively you could...
Add logical operators to the ternary conditions to include other indices.
.style("fill", function(d){
return !d.parent ? "blue" : ( === "A.D.B" || === "A.D.D") ? "red" :
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