Parsing Html To Recreate Tables In A Word Document Using Vba
Is there a way of taking html code for a table and printing out the same table in a word document using VBA (VBA should be able to parse the html code block for a table)? It is po
Solution 1:
This could be a good place to start, you will only need to check content after to see if there is any problem and then copy it to word.
Sub PrintHTML_Table(ByVal StrTable as String)
Dim TA()
Dim Table_String as String
Table_String = " " & StrTable & " "
TA = SplitTo2DArray(Table_String, "</tr>", "</td>")
For i = LBound(TA, 1) To UBound(TA, 1)
For j = LBound(TA, 2) To UBound(TA, 2)
ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, j + 1) = Trim(Replace(Replace(TA(i, j), "<td>", ""), "<tr>", ""))
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Public Function SplitTo2DArray(ByRef StringToSplit As String, ByRef RowSep As String, ByRef ColSep As String) As String()
Dim Rows As Variant
Dim rowNb As Long
Dim Columns() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim maxlineNb As Long
Dim lineNb As Long
Dim asCells() As String
Dim j As Long
' Split up the table value by rows, get the number of rows, and dim a new array of Variants.
Rows = Split(StringToSplit, RowSep)
rowNb = UBound(Rows)
ReDim Columns(0 To rowNb)
' Iterate through each row, and split it into columns. Find the maximum number of columns.
maxlineNb = 0
For i = 0 To rowNb
Columns(i) = Split(Rows(i), ColSep)
lineNb = UBound(Columns(i))
If lineNb > maxlineNb Then
maxlineNb = lineNb
End If
Next i
' Create a 2D string array to contain the data in <Columns>.
ReDim asCells(0 To maxlineNb, 0 To rowNb)
' Copy all the data from Columns() to asCells().
For i = 0 To rowNb
For j = 0 To UBound(Columns(i))
asCells(j, i) = Columns(i)(j)
Next j
Next i
SplitTo2DArray = asCells()
End Function
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