How To Deal With Different Screen Resolutions In Css?
Solution 1:
Have a read here:
You'd be most interested in @media
queries, particularly max-width
and min-device-width
Solution 2:
You should take a look at liquid layouts. This deals with an expanding or contracting web page based on a users browser size -
Solution 3:
% is the correct way. If you start using Javascript to detect resolution and adjust design based on that your code is going to turn into tasty meat spaghetti very quickly.
Back in the day I was always told to design with a minimum resolution of 800x600, but nowadays I always go by 1024x768 as a minimum resolution.
Without more specifics about designs, we can't really help more I'm afraid!
Solution 4:
check 960grid it's a layout standard that's divisible by the most common screen resolutions.
Solution 5:
First see if this works for you. replace your tag with this
Now if does, than implement this onload. This will reduce 100% of your headaches and will do a quick hack for laptops with 1366 x 768 screens without damaging the look and feel for newer, bigger and better screens
var screenHeight = screen.height;
if (screenHeight < 800) {
$('body').css('zoom', 0.8);
} else {
$('body').css('zoom', 1);
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