Display Two Images Side By Side On An Html Page
Solution 1:
You can do like:
</style><imgclass="left"src="path here" /><imgclass="left"src="path here" />
Solution 2:
Use float:left;
you say that you are finding a little left margin so you can try this
this may be cause of margin or padding. or you should use body tag like
then you have no need for write margin:0; padding:0;
Solution 3:
- Have you tried
? - Attach a different class to every table and then in your css:
.table_one { background-color: #CC0000; } .table_two { background-color: #00CC00; }
Solution 4:
Generally, table is the only way that will work in all situations. Depending on where the two images are in you HTML, there may be a better way, but that depends. Is there an element that contains the two images already? What are that element's layout properties.
CSS stylesheet that changes properties of a table is a bad bad thing. One should only set properties of a class of tables (using table.className) or a particular table (using table#id). If you cannot change the stylesheet, you have to undo the damage it does to your particular table.
To do that, find out what properties the stylesheet changed on you, and change them back by issueing a CSS rule for your table (rule with table.className or table#id will override a more general rule) (preferrable) or by hard-coding the property into HTML using inline styles (fine for a quick fix if you only have one such pair).
Solution 5:
You can use float:left
<divid="row"><imgclass="left"src="" /><imgclass="left"src="" /></div>
width: 250px;
height: 250px;
float: left;
//If you don't want marginsbody{
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