How To Add Event Handler With Prototype New Element() Constructor?
Solution 1:
In this case, the best solution is to not use Prototype or at least not exclusively. This works:
var img = new Element('img',{id:'logo',alt:'Hooray!'});
img.onload = function(){ alert(this.alt); };
img.src = 'logo.jpg';
The key is setting the onload directly instead of letting Prototype's wrapper do it for you, and set the src last (actually not sure about that, but I do it last to be safe).
One-liners are overrated. With proper use of local variables the above is just as good. If you must have a one-liner, create a wrapper function or hack the Prototype core to ensure proper assignment (submit a patch!).
Solution 2:
$('placeholder').insert(new Element("img", {
id: 'something',
}).observe('load', function() {
// onload code here
Solution 3:
You might have to move the function elsewhere and call it by name
$('placeholder').insert(new Element("img",
{id:'something', src:myImage, onload:"javascript:moo()"}))
function moo() {
Of course, because insert
returns the element, you could inline Element.observe
$('placeholder').insert(new Element("img",
{id:'something', src:myImage})).observe('load', function(){alert("MOO")});
Solution 4:
The "onload" code shouldn't need to be wrapped up into an event handler. You are essentially loading the element right there, just put the code after the insert.
var img = new Element('img', {id: 'something', src:'myImage.jpg'});
// Element has loaded! It can now be mucked around with.
// The onload code goes here...
Solution 5:
It kind of sucks, but this is what you need to do:
$('placeholder').insert(new Element("img", {
id:'something', src:myImage, onload:'alert("MOO")'
The values in the attributes object just get inserted as strings, so when you do "onload: function() {...}" it turns into:
<img onload="function() {...}" />
Which doesn't actually execute the code inside the function, it just defines a new anonymous function that won't execute unless you tell it to.
If you wanted to be a ninja about it, you could do something like this:
var moo = function() { alert("MOO"); };
$('placeholder').insert(new Element("img", {
id:'something', src:myImage, onload:'(' + moo + ')()'
Or even:
$('placeholder').insert(new Element("img", {
id:'something', src:myImage, onload:'(' + function() { alert("MOO"); } + ')()'
While kind of crazy, those options give you the actual function object to work with in case you need it.
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