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How To Bind HTML Parse (HAP) To ListBox DataTemplate

I am currently running the below code to parse an HTML link using HTML Agility Pack for WP7. EDIT ******************************** Code with suggested changes void client_Downloa

Solution 1:

public class Flight
    public string Airline { get; set; }
    public string Flight { get; set; }
    public DateTime Time { get; set; }    

This is your code:

var node = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("div")
        .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == "FlightInfo_FlightInfoUpdatePanel")
        .Elements("tr").Aggregate("Flight list\n", (acc, n) => acc + "\n" + n.OuterHtml);


List<Flight> flightList=new List<Flight>();
foreach (HtmlNode tr in node){
    flightList.Add(new Flight(){    
// Insert other properties here


Solution 2:

You could create a simple model object that you bind to your UI:

public class Flight
    public string Airline { get; set; }
    public string Flight { get; set; }
    public DateTime Time { get; set; }    

Then use a Select projection to convert your document into a list of flights:

var node = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("div")
    .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == "FlightInfo_FlightInfoUpdatePanel")
    .Elements("tr").Aggregate("Flight list\n", (acc, n) => acc + "\n" + n.OuterHtml);

List<Flight> flights = node.Elements("td").Select(i =>
           new Flight()
              Airline = i.Element("td").Single(j => j.Attribute("class") == "airline").Value,
              Flight = i.Element("td").Single(j => j.Attribute("class") == "flight").Value,

Then bind this list of Flight instances to your UI.

I am not familiar with HTML Agility Pack, so I am assuming that its Linq API is similar, or the same as Linq to XML. You might have to tweak the query code above a little bit, but the general approach should be fine.

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