Rails Detect Changes To Files Programatically
I would like to write a method that programatically detects whether any of the files in my rails app have been changed. Is it possible do do something like an MD5 of the whole app
Solution 1:
Have you considered using Guard.
You can programatically do anything whenever a file in your project changes.
There is a nice railscast about it
Solution 2:
There is a simple ruby gem called filewatcher. This is the most advanced example:
require 'filewatcher'
FileWatcher.new(["README.rdoc"]).watch() do |filename, event|
if(event == :changed)
puts "File updated: " + filename
if(event == :delete)
puts "File deleted: " + filename
if(event == :new)
puts "New file: " + filename
Solution 3:
File.ctime is the key. Iterate through all files and create a unique id based on the sum of all their ctimes:
cache_id = 0
Dir.glob('./**/*') do |this_file|
ignore_files = ['.', '..', "log"]
ignore_files.each do |ig|
next if this_file == ig
cache_id += File.ctime(this_file).to_i if File.directory?(this_file)
Works like a charm, page only re-caches when it needs to, even in development.
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