CSS Layout Problems, Floats, Nested Divs
Alright, I have received some helpful information on this personal site I am working on already. Somewhere in my jumbled mess of nested divs I have created some problems for mysel
Solution 1:
put overflow:hidden;
into the div#intro_container
selector on line 110
to understand why it works read this here: http://csswizardry.com/floats/
Solution 2:
The problem is that intro_container
does not take the full height of its children. You will get the desired effect by putting an element with the clear style set after the 2 divs you are floating:
<div id="intro_container">
<div id="messagebox">
<div id="picture">
<div style="clear: both"></div>
This will give "Recent Work" the normal padding.
Solution 3:
I think CSS clearfix will do exactly what you are describing without needing to taint your code with extra div elements. http://www.webtoolkit.info/css-clearfix.html Just add the CSS styles and the .clearfix class to any divs which are collapsing from floating children.
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